2024 17th Kyujanggak International Symposium
Date: 2024 November 7th(Thu) ~ 9th(Sat)
Venue: Kyujanggak Institute for Korean Studies / Humanities Bn.4 Rm. 302
Schedule: More Information
Transnationalism and Migration in Global Korea: History, Politics, and Sociology, 1910 to the Present
Transnationalism and Migration in Global Korea: History, Politics, and Sociology, 1910 to the Present
by Joanne Miyang Cho, Lee M. Roberts, Sang Hwan Seong
Published November 17, 2023 by Routledge
[Product Details]
Postgraduate researcher affiliated with an overseas research institution who plans to conduct research using the collection of the Kyujanggak Archive
※ A minimum of 30-day residence at Kyujanggak Institute for Korean Studies (KIKS) is required.
※ Citizens or permanent residents of non-Korean countries are given preference in selection.
※ If the source materials that you need can also be found in institutions and libraries other than the Kyujanggak Archive, you are not eligible to apply for this grant.
Travel grant of KRW 1 million
Access to libraries
Research space
Administrative support
Presentation: one presentation of research findings at the KIKS within the grant period
Attendance: 2 visits a week at least to the Kyujanggak library
Report on research results: one 10-page written report on the outcome of the fellowship research within a month from the conclusion of research
Acknowledgment of support: citing the affiliation with the KIKS when publishing any work done during the fellowship period, and providing the International Center for Korean Studies (ICKS) with a printed copy of the such publication
Participation in events: active participation in academic events such as symposia, colloquia, book talks, and workshops hosted by the KIKS
※ Submission to the Seoul Journal of Korean Studies (Scopus & ESCI-indexed), published by the KIKS, is encouraged.
Application Procedure How to Apply
① Submit an online application form through the ICKS website within the application period
② Have your letter of recommendation sent to the ICKS either by email or by post
Documents required for application:
① Curriculum vitae
② Research proposal (approx. five A4 pages; research topic and methods must be specified)
③ Booklist (please refer to http://kyu.snu.ac.kr)
④ Letter of recommendation
※ If using email, the recommender must send the letter to the ICKS(icks@snu.ac.kr). If using postal mail, the recommender must seal the envelope with his/her signature and send the letter to the ICKS (#451 Bldg.103 Kyujanggak Institute for Korean Studies, Seoul National University, 1 Gwanak-ro, Gwanak-gu, Seoul 08826 Republic of Korea).
Application period: year-round
Announcement of result: within 2 weeks of submission of application materials. Email us to make sure that you applied for it.
※ For further information please contact us at icks@snu.ac.kr ( tel. +82-2-880-9378 )